lately, it's the littlest things that catch my attention.
things overlooked. things forgotten.
things like seeds.
if you stop just a second to think about it, seeds are such a wild & wonderful way to begin a thing! even the simplest description sounds so other worldly--
first you cover this tiny gray ball with some dirt. make sure it sees the sun. just add water and then stand back--who knows what it will be.
inside every
little seed
pure magic.
seeds don't typically look like magic. it's impossible to know just by looking, that something wonderful is beginning. even if you know the sort, you never know if the seed you hold in your hand will grow up and become:
houses or boats,
driftwood or pencils,
chrysanthemums or raspberries,
books or tree houses,
baby beds or wildflowers,
shade or shelter.
(because, if you look at it just right, all of these things must begin with a seed.)
every seed is
a secret.
a promise.
a mystery.
a miracle.
it seems logical to me that of all the seeds, the dandelion and milkweed seeds would grow the most magical things of all...they seem so full of fluff and whimsy...and yet...once they are properly sunned and watered, they are only pretty weeds.
the start of a thing rarely tips you off to what is to come. i constantly try to guess at what God is planting as it goes into the soft soil of my heart but really--it's quite hard to judge endings from their beginnings. and there is so much beginning...
so much in my life is changing, churning. the soil under my feet is being tilled and turned. everywhere i look God is growing something new. beginnings are being planted everywhere. i am both thrilled and terrified with the slightly chaotic turn my life is taking...
*my husband just started a new job (in the office next to mine). he will work from home & for something he believes in. it's kind of his dream one miraculously strategic move God has answered so many prayers...and turned our routine on it's very head. i'm so excited for eric and for our family as we venture into this untamed territory. so excited to see just what grows out of this change.
*today i stand bewildered at the beginning of a long journey to wellness. my battle with lyme disease continues to alter everything. every day is different. some days wonderful. some (like last saturday) are from my nightmares. God is doing lots of weeding and planting in this area of my life. He's planting seeds of empathy and compassion in me where self-centeredness has always grown. He's folding seeds of quiet and contentment into loud and lusty, me. He's cultivating helplessness and gratitude and those other tricky things inside my heart. i can feel these foreign things taking root deep down inside. from the outside i'm sure i look much the same but these invisible roots promise visible blooms someday soon. all these sweet seedlings are slowly growing and taking over places where my thorny words used to be. i've never in my life been so happy to watch, follow & listen. i would have never guessed this is what would begin to grow from illness.
*i am beginning some new creative projects in this starting season. projects unlike i've ever attempted. God has planted some seeds of truth in my life that are growing quite steadily into action. it's exciting and risky and ... i can't wait to see what pops up out of this ground.
i am enthralled with life this january! there are new beginnings in all directions. it's an expectant season where much is being planted. i'm intoxicated with the hope that all this seed magic will explode into something wonderful come spring. i can't wait for these seeds to show me what it means to bloom.
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